Despite your best efforts to build muscle strength, has it still not happened yet? Does it seem like no matter how hard you train you still can't get the results you want? Today I'm going to share with you, 5 killer tips and techniques that will have you building muscle strength like never before.
If you are not using these 5 techniques then you will always find it hard to add muscle and strength no matter how hard you train. OK, so let's get started building strength and muscle.
1. Train like a barbarian. How often do you see people at the gym just sitting around and not building up a true sweat? If you want to get the results you want then you have to work hard. Focus on every set and rep like it's the last you will ever do. Push yourself to the limit. There's an old saying "You only get out of it what you put into it".
2. Focus on the main big muscle groups. Spend most of your time on your chest, back, shoulders etc with compound exercises such as dead lifts, squats, chin ups, bench presses, barbell rows, over head presses, leg presses and dips. This will allow you to train harder, have better technique, finish more reps and recover faster. If you focus on weak muscles like the biceps and calves then all you will end up with is weak muscles.
3. Keep rest times short and honest. This ties in well with point one. If you have large breaks in between each set not only are you not going to get the full benefit of a workout but you are not going to be able to measure your improvement. Keep a stop watch and stick to your plan, and you will reap the rewards.
4. Supplements. Supplements are great for building strength and muscle but only if you choose the right ones. Make sure that the product you are using has been around for over 3 years as there are a lot of flashy new products whose long term effects have not been tested. The best products which I recommend to use are protein powder, powdered creatine, fish oil tablets and multi vitamins. Using these products is great for building muscle strength.
5. Commitment and dedication. It takes a great deal of commitment to follow through with a workout routine but it is your only option if you want to build muscle. You should try to work out 3-4 times a week. This strains and puts enough tension on the muscles for them to grow but doesn't over work them. After your workout let the muscles heal with a protein shake and rest.
Ok, so now you know my 5 tips for building muscle and strength. Remember and apply these tips and techniques and you will soon get the body that you desire- the body of your dreams. Weight lifting isn't a 5 minute wonder, but with the right advice and teachers you can build muscle quickly.
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